Anyone who says they are not nervous on the first day in a new job is not being truthful. Starting a new job is always daunting as you don’t know what the set up is, where you will be and the basics of what you will be doing on your first day. It takes time to learn these things but the most important thing is to get stuck in and make sure you are a part of the company from the start.
Something to consider on your first day are as detailed in this article.
Being nervous
Just as much as you do not know the people and the place you are starting to work, they only know you from your CV and the interviews you have had. Focus on the reasons they wanted you as part of their team, they are there to help and guide you so make the most of that. The fastest way to be part of a team is to get involved straight away.
Who does what?
As part of your induction I am sure that you will be introduced to key people but the other people you sit with in the office, make a point of going to talk to them, make a drink for a shared office. The faster you get to know people the easier it will be to shine.
Dress professionally
Even if the company appears to dress casually it is an idea to dress smartly and professionally on your first day/week so that you are creating a good impression and not presuming. Base this on the role and responsibility you have though, as a Manager it wouldn’t look good going to work in ripped jeans.
Ask questions
By asking questions you will find out things faster. It is the simple things that makes starting a new role easier such as where are the toilets, the kitchen, does everyone do the washing up, cleaning, how do the telephones work etc.
Research before starting
Have you done enough research and do you know everything you need to in order to feel confident walking into your new role and company? Could be worth asking before joining if there is anything they would like you to go through before your start date.
Personal Information
You will have been asked to bring in certain documents or fill certain forms in before joining. Make sure you bring everything you possibly can with you on your first day. Usually the exception to this is a P45 as you may not have received this yet from a previous employer.
Be involved
Don’t hide at your desk or office, eat your lunch with everyone else, get involved in the goings on in the office and make sure that people know you are there.
New ideas – have a voice
Try and come up with some new ideas and go through these with your Manager so that he or she knows that you have been thinking about them before starting. Make sure they are relevant to your new role and are not going to step on anyone’s toes so that you almost know that your new Manager will be impressed by what you are suggesting.